New insane discovery!
You have discovered the musical Raphael. He has been playing the guitar for
over 14 years. You can find him in many songs on streaming platforms such as
Spotify or AppleMusic and Youtube.
Here checkout my musician friends:
ic4russ - drummer and musical genius really beautiful Instagram and His insane cool website stella - Singer and sings better than you really beautiful Instagram detachedvision - the most chilled guys you'll meet in berlin, music production studio Carmolina - famous afropop singer. we are forming a band. her instagram michael the drummer - famous drummer, insane drummer, cool guy, talent, we
are forming a band too drum it, for michael the drummer Links
Kellerjam on Youtube Solo Shreds on Tiktok HIEU - summer breeze (E-Guitar) ic4russ - Deutschrapper schlechthin (Ukulele, E-Guitar) ic4russ - blauer Lupo (E-Guitar, Bass) ic4russ - zähl die Tage (E-Guitar, Bass) ic4russ - wieso so wie (E-Guitar, Bass) ic4russ - frag nicht (Guitar) ic4russ - Desto mehr Desto besser (E-Guitar)